Monday, June 22, 2009

Two-month checkup

Charlie went to his two-month checkup last week. Here are the details:

Weight: 10 lbs, 4 ounces (25th percentile)

Height: 23.75 inches (50th percentile)

Head: 75th percentile

He was in the 13th percentile of weight after 1 week so Charlie has been doing a great job of packing on the pounds and growing like a champ.

I won't say too much about his head, other than he takes after his mom and has a huge head - all the better to hold all of those big brains. Here is a picture at two months, very happy sitting in his chair. Most of the time he has full head control, but with that huge head its going to take a little bit before he has all the necessary muscles to control that thing. Seriously, its like an orange on a toothpick! Just kidding little buddy!

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